Application requires payment of none-refundable Fee of Tsh: 10,000/= through M-PESA Lipa Namba: 5939648
- The Principal, INSTITUTE OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY (IHET) invites all qualified candidates for application and admission into various Certificate and Diploma programmes for the academic year 2024/2025.
- Applicants are applying online should fill correct information on each part.
- In case of any problem during the application process, please contact our Help Desk through +255 (0) 754 300200 or +255 (0) 711 597778
For any inquiry please call
+255 (0) 754 300 200, +255 (0) 748 221 919
Technical Support: +255 714 556266, +255 682070758, +255 765 970455